如果你還在考慮Kettle Foods, 薯片,酸奶洋蔥味,5 盎司(142 克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~床的世界
- Certified Gluten Free
- Great Taste... Naturally
- Kosher Dairy
- Our Natural Promise
- Made with Natural Ingredients
- Gluten Free
- No Preservatives
- 0 Grams Trans Fat
- Since 1982
Sour cream and onion potato chips have been enticing taste buds since beehives and crew cuts were all the rage. As potato chips connoisseurs who crave perfect flavor, we just had to make a version of this long-time favorite. Starting with our special, sweet sour cream, we swirled In just the right amount of savory onion for a light and fresh twist on this chip classic. The result: a timeless 髮旺旺favorite infused with Kettle Brand style. Now creamier!
Kettle Foods, 薯片,酸奶洋蔥味,5 盎司(142 克)

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- 【心得】RIEDEL COGNAC HENNESSY 酒杯 vinum系列2017實測文@E@
- 【大對決】CANON PG-88 黑色墨水匣 PG-88outlet
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- 【美國原裝】Way Out Wax, Odor Neutralizer Candle, Natural Scent, 6.7 oz (190 g)直送台灣哪裡買?
- 【美國原裝】Doctor's Best, 頂級冬蟲夏草素食膠囊,60粒直送台灣哪裡買?
- 【美國原裝】Atkins, 點心, 黑巧克力杏仁椰子濃縮棒, 5 條, 每條 1.4 oz (40 g)直送台灣哪裡買?@1@
- 【美國原裝】Thompson, 歐米茄3-6-9,1200毫克,120粒直送台灣哪裡買?
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